I apologize to the Mac/Linux users, this uses a good ol' MS-DOS batch file. I'm sure that those so-inclined can create their own scripts.
1. Install node.js, then uglify, uglifycss and html-minifier -- follow the instructions listed in the batch file. I don't think the version of nodejs used is all that important.
3. Create http_compress.bat in your main project folder:
Code: Select all
@echo off
REM install node.js:
REM https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.9.1/node-v8.9.1-x64.msi
REM Next, from a command prompt:
REM install uglify
REM npm install uglify-js -g
REM install uglifycss
REM npm install uglifycss -g
REM install html-minifier
REM npm install html-minifier -g
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
IF NOT EXIST %2 (mkdir %2)
set rtn=0
for %%f in (%1\*) do (
if /I "%%~xf" == ".html" (
CALL :COMPARE %1/%%~nf.html %2/%%~nf.html
if "!rtn!"=="0" (
echo %%~nf.html
REM call %AppData%\npm\html-minifier --output %2\%%~nf %1/%%~nf.html
REM call %AppData%\npm\html-minifier --minify-css --minify-js --collapse-boolean-attributes --collapse-inline-tag-whitespace --collapse-whitespace --decode-entities --html5 --include-auto-generated-tags --keep-closing-slash --remove-attribute-quotes --remove-comments --remove-empty-attributes --remove-empty-elements --remove-optional-tags --remove-redundant-attributes --remove-script-type-attributes --remove-style-link-type-attributes --remove-tag-whitespace --use-short-doctype --output %2\%%~nf %1/%%~nf.html
cp %1/%%~nf.html %2/%%~nf
gzip -9 -n -f -S .html %2\%%~nf
) else if /I "%%~xf" == ".js" (
CALL :COMPARE %1/%%~nf.js %2/%%~nf.js
if "!rtn!"=="0" (
echo %%~nf.js
call %AppData%\npm\uglifyjs -c -m -o %2\%%~nf %1\%%~nf.js
gzip -9 -f -S .js %2\%%~nf
) else if /I "%%~xf" == ".css" (
CALL :COMPARE %1/%%~nf.css %2/%%~nf.css
if "!rtn!"=="0" (
echo %%~nf.css
call %AppData%\npm\uglifycss --output %2\%%~nf %1\%%~nf.css
gzip -9 -f -S .css %2\%%~nf
) else (
CALL :COMPARE %1/%%~nf%%~xf %2/%%~nf%%~xf
if "!rtn!"=="0" (
echo copy %%~nf%%~xf
cp %1/%%~nf%%~xf %2/%%~nf%%~xf>NUL
touch %2\%%~nf%%~xf
exit /B 0
set /a x=0
for /F %%i in ('ls -St -1 %1 %2 2^>NUL') do (
set oldest=%%i
set /a x+=1
IF NOT "%x%"=="2" (set rtn=0) ELSE IF NOT "%1"=="%oldest%" (set rtn=0) ELSE (set rtn=1)
exit /B %rtn%
5. Modify some build steps:
Properties of your project, go to C/C++ Build->Settings
Under Tool Settings->NetBurner Comphtml, I've changed the command line pattern so that it uses "html_process" instead of "..\html"
Under Tool Settings->Build Steps, I've added a Pre-build step, ..\html_compress.bat ..\html html_process;
This will execute the above compression code, work on the \html folder of your project and place the compressed version of your files into Release\html_process, allowing comphtml do it's thing.
I believe this is everything you'll need, hopefully I haven't left out any steps.
I periodically check the forum for updates, but I likely won't be the fastest with responses.