OK, here are the various sections dealing with edma setup and use.
I have checked thoroughly that all sections get called in the right order.
First: some defines used in the code below
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#define FB_CS1_BASE 0x01000000; // CS_1 base address
#define AD1reading *(DWORD*) FB_CS1_BASE
#define FB_CS4_BASE 0x04000000; // CS_4 base address
#define AD2reading *(DWORD*) FB_CS4_BASE
second: initialization of the FB_CS signals:
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void InitCS (void)
sim1.gpio.par_cs |= _00111100_; // activate CS1 & CS4 pin function (primary function for those pins)
sim2.cs[1].csar = FB_CS1_BASE; // set base address for CS1
sim2.cs[1].cscr = 0x00000500; // 1 wait state, internal transfer acknowledge, 32 bit transfer
sim2.cs[1].csmr = 0x00000101; // CS1 range = FB_CS1_BASE...FB_CS1_BASE+0xFFFF, read only + valid
sim2.cs[4].csar = FB_CS4_BASE; // set base address for CS4
sim2.cs[4].cscr = 0x00000500; // 1 wait state, internal transfer acknowledge, 32 bit transfer
sim2.cs[4].csmr = 0x00000101; // CS4 range = FB_CS4_BASE...FB_CS4_BASE+0xFFFF, read only + valid
Third: setting up the eDMA channels
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void InitPWM_DMA (void)
// general/common eDMA control register setup
sim1.gpio.par_cs |= _00111100_; // J1-5 => CS1 function (FIFO RAM 1 OE), J1-6 => CS4 function (FIFO RAM 2 OE)
sim2.edma.cr &= ~0x000300FF; // Leave the group priorities alone, but clear all other control flags (default eDMA setup)
sim2.edma.erql |= 0xC0000000;
// transfer control description block for transfer from CIS1 Sample FIFO RAM to normal RAM
volatile edma_tcdstruct &tmrTcd1 = sim2.edma.tcd[30]; // eDMA channel 30: software triggered, see Table 19-6 in MCF54418RM_V3.PDF
tmrTcd1.saddr = FB_CS1_BASE; // set the start address for the DMA transfer
tmrTcd1.attr = 0x0202; // no address modulo's, source/target both 32 bit (4 bytes)
tmrTcd1.soff = 0; // source offset: this must be 0, the source address is always the same !
tmrTcd1.nbytes = SAMPLES_PER_CIS*4; // number of bytes transferred per DMA request (samples x 4 bytes/sample)
tmrTcd1.slast = 0; // source offset applied at completion of all requests, before resetting
tmrTcd1.daddr = (DWORD)g_ulRawSampleDataCIS1; // Raw pixel data address
tmrTcd1.doff = 4; // destination offset, how much to move destination address after each request
tmrTcd1.dlast_sga = -(SAMPLES_PER_CIS*4); // destination address adjustment at the end of the major loop (bytes).
tmrTcd1.biter = 1; // major loop count reload value (single DMA transfer per request)
tmrTcd1.citer = 1; // initial loop count value (single DMA transfer per request)
tmrTcd1.csr = 0; // default DMA operations, no interrupts, leave request enabled when DMA ends
// transfer control description block for transfer from CIS4 Sample FIFO RAM to normal RAM
volatile edma_tcdstruct &tmrTcd2 = sim2.edma.tcd[31]; // eDMA channel 31: software triggered, see Table 19-6 in MCF54418RM_V3.PDF
tmrTcd2.saddr = FB_CS4_BASE; // set the start address for the DMA transfer
tmrTcd2.attr = 0x0202; // no address modulo's, source/target both 32 bit (4 bytes)
tmrTcd2.soff = 0; // source offset: this must be 0, the source address is always the same !
tmrTcd2.nbytes = SAMPLES_PER_CIS*4; // number of bytes transferred per DMA request (samples x 4 bytes/sample)
tmrTcd2.slast = 0; // source offset applied at completion of all requests, before resetting
tmrTcd2.daddr = (DWORD)g_ulRawSampleDataCIS2; // Raw pixel data address
tmrTcd2.doff = 4; // destination offset, how much to move destination address after each request
tmrTcd2.dlast_sga = -(SAMPLES_PER_CIS*4); // destination address adjustment at the end of the major loop (bytes).
tmrTcd2.biter = 1; // major loop count reload value (single DMA transfer per request)
tmrTcd2.citer = 1; // initial loop count value (single DMA transfer per request)
tmrTcd2.csr = 0; // default DMA operations, no interrupts, leave request enabled when DMA ends
Fourth: a modified version of the original ISR:
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INTERRUPT( PwmModule3ValueMatch_ISR, 0x2700 )
DWORD test;
sim1.mcpwm.sm[3].sr |= PWM_MATCH_VAL3_INT_ENABLE;
IsrTick = !IsrTick;
SetStatusLed(STATUSLED2, IsrTick);
test = AD1reading;
test += AD2reading;
//sim2.edma.tcd[30].csr &= 0xFF7F;
//sim2.edma.tcd[30].csr |= 0x0001;
//sim2.edma.tcd[31].csr &= 0xFF7F;
//sim2.edma.tcd[31].csr |= 0x0001;
In this modified ISR I have commented out the eDMA transfer triggering and replaced it by single reads on the appropriate flexbus locations. Just as with the eDMA transfers I see absolutely nothing on pins J1-5 and J1-6.
If I set up those pins to be GPIO pins and include a bit of code in the ISR to simulate FB_CS pulses it all works OK so its not a hardware problem.
its almost as if setting up the pins to be FB_CS signals does not work but I have seen it work OK with exactly the same setup, in that case I was only using CS1 but that should not make a difference.
So it might not be an eDMA problem after all but something completely different.
I will keep on looking but for the moment I could do with some inspiration.