Code: Select all
make -f co-gcc.mak ^
GCC_BIN="m68k-elf-gcc" ^
GXX_BIN="m68k-elf-g++" ^
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -falign-functions=4 -gdwarf-2 -Wall -Wno-write-strings -c -fmessage-length=0 -fno-exceptions"
So now my netburner.lnt file specifies co-gcc.lnt and the entire file looks like this
Code: Select all
-si4 -sp4 -sl4
+libclass( foreign )
//For Eclipse, we change output format of messages
-"format=LINT %t%(: %f:%l %) %n %m"
Code: Select all
//TEG TODO Commented out the next line
//+cpp(.cc,.C) // extensions for C++ that are commonly used in addition
// to the default extensions of .cpp and .cxx
Code: Select all
namespace SL=SyncorLibrary;
While I have advocated for using Gimpel's lint in the past (and I still use it when I can) my opinion has increasingly become that it's a bigger pain than it's worth. Especially when I consider how seamless a tool like ReSharper is to use for C# code. The amount of setup and configuration that goes into lint is ridiculous. As I'm increasingly using more of the boost library, it's becoming less and less useful.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any better alternatives. I have tried CppCheck and while it is very easy to set up and use, it does very minimal checking compared to lint. Still a lot of people would probably pick up an error/optimization or two if they used it regularly (and I just found out there is now an eclipse plug in.) My hope is that CppCheck will get more comprehensive as time goes on.