to restore the board to some working order, except I'm getting an error at the end if the download:
Errors were encountered in the download Flash not programmed
So now what? how do I get this working again so I can do something? I've even tried making a new project with just the AutoUpdate in it, and the same result.
Sounds like your app may have issues. It could also be a broken comm link...
Try to POWER OFF (not just reset) the 5234.
Get MTTY going to the NB and PC coms port you feel are reliably working.
I suggest closing MTTY and even rebooting the PC if nothing else works.
If you have ever messed with the NB com port settings you can also confirm the NB com port setup with the NB monitor setup command and can match these within MTTTY.
I have seen MTTTY fail on the PC, often associated with a messed up USB/serial converter driver.
Now, with comms working, start pressing the capital A key in MTTTY, and while holding the key down, power up the 5234.
once you get the nb> prompt, type fla <CR>. You should see a message to the effect of "begin download" after which you pull dwn the transfer file menu.
Send this file: C:\Nburn\MOD5234\original\Mod5234FactoryDemo_APP.s19