NetBurner SBL2e Excess Heat

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NetBurner SBL2e Excess Heat

Post by BaseOverApex »


I have my NetBurner up and running. I've powered it from a Semtech EZ1084 3.3V regulator in fixed voltage mode. This in turn is powered from a 6V wallwart.

It seems to be working fine. It's obtaining an IP address from my DHCP server and the web server is responding well. DMM says it's being supplied with 3.295V and oscilloscope says it's ripple-free.

The problem is that the Coldfire chip is getting very hot!

How hot should I expect it to get?

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Re: NetBurner SBL2e Excess Heat

Post by rnixon »

Other than supplying 3.3V power, the only thing that would cause it to get hotter than normal (and maybe very warm to the touch is normal) would be if you had anything connected to it with a voltage above 3.3V. For example, a GPIO, serial or A/D pin connected to a 5V device.
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Re: NetBurner SBL2e Excess Heat

Post by lgitlitz »

Do you have other devices being driven by the NetBurner (LEDs or sensors), any non-3.3V devices in your system? Do you have an approximate temperature or the chip, is it hot enough to burn skin:) ?
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