Does anyone have code example of changing NB's IP address through its web-interface? The found example uses MTTY, which is not convenient.
Need to have both Static and DHCP options available.
Change IP address on NB MOD54415
Re: Change IP address on NB MOD54415
There is an example of changing ip addresses: \nburn\examples\dhcp\changeip.
Re: Change IP address on NB MOD54415
Yes, as I already mentioned, I found this example, but I'd like to have possibility to change IP from the web-page, not from the terminal window.
Re: Change IP address on NB MOD54415
That example has the mechanics of what you need to do. You can create a web page, use the ChangeIP example to create the appropriate function, use the FUNCTIONCALL tag on the web page. I don't have an example of that, but it seems that you have the basic functionality from the example.
Re: Change IP address on NB MOD54415
Yes, thank. Actually, I'm about to finish the task changing IP from webpage.